What is difference between http and https?

Start with

  • http - Start with http://
  • https - Start with https://


  • http - It uses 80 port by default.
  • https - It uses 443 port by default.


  • http - It operates on tcp/tp level.
  • https - It operates on http but uses encrypted tls/ssl.

Data encryption

  • http - It wont use data encryption.
  • https - It use data encryption.


  • http - it wont help in search ranking.
  • https - it helps in search ranking.


  • http - Speed fast.
  • https - Speed slow.


Data scrambling is the process to obfuscate or remove sensitive data. This process is irreversible so that the original data cannot be derived from the scrambled data.
  • http - Does not scramble data
  • https - It scramble data before transmission and at receiver end it de-scramble date to recover original data. There for transmitted information is secured and can not be hacked.

Security Level

  • http - It is less secured as data can be vulnerable to hackers. 
  • https - It is designed to prevent hackers to access from critical information. It is secured against such attacks.


  • http - It is Vulnerable to hacker.
  • https - It Is highly secure as the data is encrypted before it is seen across a network.


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